Sermon Series Resources

Check out our most recent sermon series. Click on the links below to find fun resources to do as a family, with a group, or on your own.

  • AUGUST 18- SEPTEMBER 22, 2024

    The Movie Inside Out and Inside Out 2 tells of the Emotions of a young girl named Riley and the ups and downs, sideways and back ways of life with emotions. Sometimes we are good at recognizing the emotions that we have and why and sometimes we aren’t. This series will invite us to look at our emotions and how they are expressed in the Psalms, also known as the songs of emotions because they share the intimate feelings of joy, anger, fear, anxiety, disgust, envy, and sadness so well.

  • JUNE 9- JULY 21, 2024

    Every one of us carries at least one burning question about God, faith, the church or our life in Christ.  These are the questions that make us unsure about God and if believing in God makes any sense. During this series we are going to dig into some of our questions that we wish God would answer to see what the Bible says about each one.

    questions for god RESOURCES

  • FEBRUARY 14- MAY 26, 2024

    How often do we look for hope in our own actions? How often do we think this mess is not fixable whether it is our personal life, the nation, our world. Our hope is not in us but in Jesus who turns our mess into a masterpiece. Romans was written to a community that felt like a mess. They didn’t know what to believe, who to believe in or how to be a community together. The truth is that everyone is in this together.

  • In the Old Testament God spoke through a burning bush, a pillar of fire in the sky, or at least the words “Thus says the Lord” spoken by the prophets that indicated the moments God would speak. Today it seems much harder to discern God’s voice in our very noisy lives. Does God still speak to us? And ultimately does God care, love, support, guide, plan and lead us? The answer is yes. But are we listening for the word of God for us?

    JANUARY 7- FEBRUARY 11, 2024

    In the Old Testament God spoke through a burning bush, a pillar of fire in the sky, or at least the words “Thus says the Lord” spoken by the prophets that indicated the moments God would speak. Today it seems much harder to discern God’s voice in our very noisy lives. Does God still speak to us? And ultimately does God care, love, support, guide, plan and lead us? The answer is yes. But are we listening for the word of God for us?

  • Centuries ago, real people found themselves suddenly swept up in a journey that they hadn’t looked for and didn’t feel qualified to be a part of. Guided by ancient prophecies, wise people from the East found themselves following a mysterious star in the heavens. Shepherds, outcasts of society and the most unlikely characters, stood in a field illuminated with light that beckoned them to the city of a legendary king. Two poor, young, ordinary Jewish villagers were visited by angels and entrusted with caring for the long-awaited Savior. All of their journeys converged on the town of Bethlehem, at a humble stable, in a manger where Jesus was born. No one expected Jesus to come the way He did and they didn’t think they would be involved! God’s journey in coming to be with us is the greatest story ever told and we are a part of it. This season we to will follow the star with well worn stories on unfamiliar paths of hope, peace, joy and love.

    November 26-December 31, 2023

    Centuries ago, real people found themselves suddenly swept up in a journey that they hadn’t looked for and didn’t feel qualified to be a part of.  All of their journeys converged on the town of Bethlehem, at a humble stable, in a manger where Jesus was born.

    This season we to will follow the star with well worn stories on unfamiliar paths of hope, peace, joy and love.

  • Too often we think that we still need to get to a certain place in life to be free. If I only work harder, if I only look a certain way…but the world has tricked us into thinking that we need to enslave ourselves to the expectations of the world in order to earn our freedom. But freedom comes in Christ. We are free to give of our time, talents and money without the expectation that we have to or that we should…instead we are free in christ. But that freedom comes with responsibility to care for the world and support each other.

    October 22-November 19, 2023

    Too often we think that we still need to get to a certain place in life to be free. But freedom comes in Christ. But that freedom comes with responsibility to care for the world and support each other.

  • September 3-October 15, 2023

    We all have the thing or event that we are trying to get to.  Where does God fit into our hopes, dreams, accomplishments?  We all want to have a purpose. What happens when the purpose feels impossible?

  • JUNE 25- AUGUST 6, 2023

    This summer we are going on a road trip of love to remind us what it means to be love in the world. There are a lot of hard things happening—war, gun violence, health issues, relationship challenges…what does it mean to be love in the midst of life.


  • APRIL 16- JUNE 11, 2023

    What does it mean to be in the neighborhood? Who is in our neighborhood? What does it look like to show hospitality, kindness, compassion and faith in our neighborhood? Include actions each week for us to do in our own neighborhoods.

  • FEBRUARY 22- aPRIL 9, 2023

    Distraction is the primary spiritual problem in contemporary culture. Frankly, when we are perpetually distracted, we are unable to discern the voice of the Lord. Each week we will learn about a different spiritual discipline as practice to refocus our life in Christ. Using Richard Foster’s book on Spiritual Disciplines as a guide.

    series resources

  • jANUARY 1- FEBRUARY 19, 2023

    A series about the Parables of Jesus with the truths of how we live out our faith life thrown alongside. Hoping each series will have an acted out skit of this parable. And call us into a deeper discipleship.

  • nOVEMBER 27- DECEMBER 25, 2022

    Look at the prophecies of Isaiah to see what the Israelites waited for on Christmas. And when you look at the root, it was presence. A God who would come to be with them through their struggles.


  • OCTOBER 30-NOVEMBER 20, 2022

    Stewardship series that reminds us we are enough. We are tempted to think that we need to do more, be more, and have more before we can give. God already sees you as enough without any expectation that you will change. When we all give what we have, it is enough.

    series resources

  • SEPTEMBER 4- OCTOBER 23, 2022

    Our world keeps telling us that we need things to be one way or another. What is right, what is fair, who we should vote for, how we should serve, how we should spend our time. But God’s life in us is not black and white. It is just full of grace. We will look at the relationship between Jacob and Esau who saw the world from two different perspectives and still found God’s grace in the end.

  • june 19- august 7, 2022

    How do we live out our faith in the post resurrection with the gift of the Holy Spirit?

    Let's focus our attention on what it is all about.

    series resources

  • june 5 & 12, 2022

    Celebrate Pentecost with us! What does it mean to hear the Spirit move?

  • May 1- may 29, 2023

    Sermon series based on the hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth” Each week will look at a different verse of the hymn. We will incorporate the hymn each week of the series.  Congregation will be invited to participate in a 31 day challenge to find beauty each day and post on social media using the hashtag #Godsbeauty.

  • FEBRUARY 27- APRIL 24, 2022

    Prayer is a conversation with God. Sometimes our prayers are serious and other times they are not. Sometimes in the busyness of life our conversations with God get set aside, which is why we are going to spend the season of Lent focused on prayer.

  • JANUARY 16 - fEBRUARY 20, 2022

    This series is loosely based on the book “The Way of Love” by Norman Wirzba and will discuss how the heart of God’s message through the whole bible is love. The message that Jesus brought to the community found in the gospels is about following God’s way of love that includes neighbor, self, others and God.

  • nOVEMBER 21, 2021 - jANUARY 9, 2022

    This series tells of the songs found throughout the advent season in the Bible. Both Gospel and Old Testament texts share the vision of singing to God.

  • oCTOBER 24 - nOVEMBER 14, 2021

    God can do great things through you when you say “I’m In!”

  • AUGUST 22 - oCTOBER 17, 2021

    This is part of the story in Exodus when the Israelites have to become a community. What does it look like for us to be a community within our church? How do we engage and be a part of the community beyond the walls of Mission del Sol?

  • June 20-July 28, 2021

    Meet the Prophet Elijah on our Road Trip to see what happens when we will out our faith with God in control.

    Series Resources

  • April 18-June 6, 2021

    There are so many things that divide us today. But what unites us? What brings us together? Dig your roots into the Apostle's Creed and learn what unites us in our faith.

  • January 10 - April 11, 2021

    Jesus invites the disciples to get up and follow Him. What does it look like for us to follow Jesus in our busy days?

  • November 29, 2020 - January 3, 2021

    Take a look at how God's light shined through the characters of the Nativity Story.

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