We Grow in Worship

We are a faith community dedicated to living out its name. Active mission is the witness to our beliefs and vision. At the heart of this dedication is the weekly worship of God. Sunday worship through the Word, message, prayer, sacraments, and music, empowers us for acting out our faith. Members appreciate Biblically-based sermons that are spiritually nurturing and intellectually challenging and a message that sends us into the world to act on our faith. Lay members, including youth, participate weekly in the service as readers, musicians, and communion servers. At least once a year, the youth, with guidance from the pastor and youth leaders, design and conduct the Sunday worship services.

in person and Online Worship

Worship with us online and in person each Sunday. In person services are at 9:30 a.m. each week. Join us on Facebook to watch live at 9:30 a.m. or on the homepage of the website. All services are uploaded to our webpage on Mondays.

Sunday Morning Schedule

Worship  •  9:30 a.m.

Sunday School for ages Pre-K - 5th Grade  •  During worship

Hospitality  •  10:30 a.m.

Adult Sunday School  •  10:45 a.m.

  • Communion

    We gather to celebrate the Lord's Supper each first Sunday of the month and at special services throughout the year. All who love the Lord a little and seek to know Him more are invited to our table. We celebrate communion by intiction where an individuals come forward, takes a piece of bread and dips it in the juice, and then partakes of the meal on their way back to their seats.

    We welcome the opportunity to share the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper with our members who are unable to attend Sunday Services or wish to recieve communion in their home please CONTACT the church office.

  • Baptisms

    We believe that God is at work in our lives before we are even born, so we welcome children of any age for baptism. In the Presbyterian Church, a Child baptism is an act of the community in which the congregation as a whole takes responsibility for nurturing those baptized in the Christian life, vowing: “We promise to guide and nurture these children by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and follow Jesus, and to be a faithful member of the church.”

    Youth and adults are baptized when at their own profession of faith. This can happen when they join the church, through confirmation or a new member class.  If you or a member of your family would like to get baptized, please CONTACT the church office.

  • Confirmation

    During eighth - twelfth grade, youth gather to learn more about their faith and make an informed decision about whether to make a public profession of faith in Christ and to accept their responsibility in the life the Christ's Church.  At the end of confirmation, youth are invited to join the church.  If you would or your youth would like to participate in confirmation, please CONTACT the church office.

  • Weddings

    Couples wishing to be married at Mission del Sol are not required to be members; however they must attend premarital counseling from the pastor before the wedding.  All weddings at Mission del Sol are performed by the pastor. Please CONTACT the church office for more information.

  • Memorial and Funeral Services

    Nothing is more important to the life of our church family than the caring ministry to those who are grieving the loss of someone they love. We believe that God holds our loved ones in strong and everlasting arms, and that we who live on can know the shelter and strength of the Good Shepherd. Our pastor, staff and members are ready to be with you through this season and stand with you as you seek the assurance that in life and in death we belong to God.  Please CONTACT Pastor Kelsy for more information or for preplanning.


Mission Chorale

is an all ages adult choir that meets from 7:30 to 8:30pm on Thursdays in the Choir Room. This choir presents music for worship September through May at least once per month. The groups do not meet during the summer. The music sung by the group ranges in style from Mendellsohn to contemporary Christian artists. Mission Chorale often collaborates with other church choirs for special events and services.

Mission Bells

is an Intermediate-Advanced bell choir that meets from 6:30 to 7:30pm on Thursdays in the Sanctuary. Previous bell ringing experience is recommended but not required. The bell choir presents music for worship September through May at least once per month. The groups do not meet during the summer. The arrangements played often call for advanced bell techniques that are easily learned and pleasing for the congregation to hear.

About Our  Organ

The organ at Mission del Sol is an Allen Renaissance R-350 which was installed and dedicated in 1999. It is a three manual instrument which has sixty-eight stops and also contains a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Division.